Mannis Law

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  • By: Michael Mannis, Esq.
  • Published: January 2, 2021

No Changes in Illinois minimum coverage for 2021! That's the headline and the bad news. Auto insurance is required for every vehicle in Illinois, and the state requires minimum coverage of $25000 per person/ $50,000 per vehicle for any injury crash. It isn't enough! So what can you do about that, comply with Illinois State law and protect yourself and your family. The answer is to make sure YOU have enough in insurance coverage to provide for most injury accidents you may unfortunately be involved in. My recommendation is that you MUST have at least 100/300 coverage, meaning that if you're hurt in a crash, you have up to $100,000 of coverage for medical bills, lost wages, pain, loss of your normal life and other damages. I have handled numerous cases where there just want even close to enough insurance coverage to fully compensate my client. And I'm seeing more…Read More

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