Mannis Law

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(312) 704-4300

Motorcycle Accidents

Man next to wrecked motorcycle and car post-accident - Mannis LawInjured In A Motorcycle Accident? You Deserve Compensation For The Pain And Suffering You’ve Experienced.

Whether you were out riding your motorcycle for fun or commuting to or from work and were involved in an accident that turned out to be serious, you need to act promptly if you want to be made whole. Under Illinois law, you may be entitled to compensation to do just that.

To ensure the highest chances of seeing the results you not only want to see but deserve, you need a motorcycle accident attorney who knows the law, has a deep sense of compassion for you that drives them to work as hard as necessary on your case, and can hold their own in a court of law should your case move to litigation.

You Can Trust Us With Your Motorcycle Accident Injury Case

Based in Chicago, IL, Mannis Law is at the heart of the state and is dedicated to advocating for the rights of motorcycle accident victims throughout Illinois. We provide compassionate support and skilled legal representation to ensure you receive the compensation and justice you deserve should you take action and file a claim or lawsuit.

With nearly four decades of experience helping people just like you through motorcycle accident injury claims, we have a track record of success with countless other clients that makes it clear that we have what it takes to do just that for you, too.

Finding The Insurance Claims You Have To File Overly Complicated?

Navigating insurance claims in the aftermath of a motorcycle accident is so often more complicated than it should be, especially given that you’ve just suffered perhaps the most debilitating accident of your entire life. Not only do you have to find your way through what might feel like a maze, but you also have to interpret what may seem like a foreign language used in all of the paperwork related to your policy. This is only the tip of the iceberg, too, with negotiations with adjusters and the like quickly following.

But with the motorcycle accident lawyers at Mannis Law, things are completely different. We make every effort to simplify the process as much as possible for you so you can focus on your recovery. We understand that frustration from what seems like negligible things is the last thing you need to deal with. We handle these things and more, such as ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering, as well.

How We’ll Help You Get The Compensation You Deserve

We completely understand the urgency of your situation and are ready and willing to do whatever it takes to ensure you get a resolution as quickly as possible. We’ll dig deep into the evidence to build out as robust a case as possible, putting any chance of an easy victory for the other side to rest. We’ll also handle all interaction with the insurance company so you don’t unknowingly walk into one of their traps and cause your case to implode before it even starts.

Take The First Step Toward Recovery

Don’t put off getting the help you need when navigating your motorcycle accident injury claim. Doing so could mean you entirely forfeit your case. Email or call Mannis Law today at (312) 704-4300 to set up a free consultation. In it, we’ll get a sense of your case and begin crafting a strategy that secures the compensation you deserve and are entitled to.

Michael Mannis - Experienced Personal Injury Attorney - Chicago, IL

Call For A Free Case Evaluation
(312) 704-4300

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