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Hiring A Personal Injury Attorney In Illinois

A Personal Injury Attorney In IllinoisThe following article will cover:

  • The importance of hiring a personal injury attorney after a car accident, even if the other driver is determined to be at fault.
  • Strategies for affording medical bills while waiting for a personal injury case to settle.
  • Who covers the cost of damages to a car after an auto wreck and the role of a personal injury attorney in maximizing compensation.

If It Is Clear That The Other Driver Is At Fault, Do I Still Need To Hire A Chicago Personal Injury Attorney For My Car Accident Case?

If the other driver is determined to be at fault for your car accident, you might assume that you don’t need an attorney because the other party’s insurance company will be fair with you. However, this is not always the case. While fault is an essential component of a personal injury case, it’s not the only factor that determines the amount of compensation you’re entitled to receive.

To collect a fair amount of compensation, you need to prove the other driver’s fault, your injuries, and the extent of your damages. Even if fault is established early on, the other party’s insurance company might not be willing to offer a fair settlement.

Some insurance companies use sneaky tactics to pay you as little as possible. They might contact you within a day or two of the accident, apologize on behalf of their insured, and offer to pay for your medical bills for the next seven or fourteen days. They might even offer you a small amount of money to cover your expenses and ask for your bank account details. However, these tactics are designed to make you settle quickly and for far less than you deserve.

It’s crucial to slow down, seek medical attention, and hire a personal injury attorney. Your lawyer will help you get the treatment you need and collect all the necessary evidence to build a strong case. They will send a letter of protection to the insurance company, informing them not to contact you directly and to deal with your attorney instead. This ensures that you’re not put in a corner with questioning and details that may harm your case later on.

Remember that some medical conditions may not manifest for several days or even weeks after the accident. If you settle quickly, you might not get the compensation you need to cover future medical expenses. By working with a personal injury attorney from the start, you’ll have access to the proper medical care and the necessary documentation to get a fair settlement or take your case to trial. Don’t wait, hire an attorney as soon as possible.

How Will I Be Able To Afford My Medical Bills While I Wait For My Auto Car Accident Case To Settle?

If you have private medical insurance, it’s crucial to use it to pay for your emergency room and ambulance bills. This ensures that you get the necessary treatment without incurring huge medical bills upfront. At the end of your case, your attorney will negotiate with your insurance company to recover some of the money they paid out.

If you don’t have medical insurance, the hospital will contact your attorney when they realize that it’s an injury case. They will then make arrangements to wait for payment until the case is settled. Your attorney will negotiate with the hospital to reduce the bills as much as possible, based on special laws that determine how much can be paid out of your settlement.

If you need follow-up care with a primary care doctor or a specialist, the best course of action depends on your insurance type. If you have private insurance like a Blue Cross PPO, you can make an appointment with your doctor and receive a consultation, physical therapy, or referrals to specialists.

If you have public insurance like Medicaid, it may take longer to get an appointment and receive treatment. In this case, your attorney can refer you to a doctor who will take your case and provide care without upfront costs.

Your attorney will ensure that all medical documentation is generated as evidence of your diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. This is vital because insurance companies base their compensation on what doctors put on paper, not what you or your family members tell them.

Who Covers The Cost Of Damages To My Car If I Was In An Auto Wreck And It Was Not My Fault?

If you were involved in an auto wreck that was not your fault, you are entitled to have your car fixed or replaced, and the first place to look for payment is the other driver’s insurance company. Typically, if the other driver is 100% at fault, their insurance company will pay for the damages without issue.

However, if the accident is determined to be a mixed fault situation, where both drivers are deemed to be partially at fault, and you have full coverage on your car, it is recommended to use your insurance coverage to get your car fixed or paid for.

You will pay your deductible, and your insurance company will then pursue reimbursement from the other driver’s insurance company. If your insurance company is able to collect the money back, you will receive a return of your deductible.

If you do not have full coverage on your car, you are at the mercy of the other driver’s insurance company. In some cases, the other insurance company may only pay partially for the damages, leaving you in a tough spot if you don’t have full coverage or any insurance at all.

Regardless of the situation, you are entitled to damages from the other driver’s insurance company, but hiring a personal injury attorney can greatly increase your chances of receiving fair compensation.

At What Point Should I Hire A Cook County Personal Injury Attorney? Should I Wait Until The Insurance Company Denies A Claim Or Offers Me A Mega Settlement?

It’s important to hire a personal injury attorney as soon as possible after an accident, as studies and real-life examples have shown that early representation can lead to increased compensation. An attorney can protect you from the insurance company’s tactics to undermine your case, ensure that you receive appropriate medical care, and prevent the insurance adjuster from setting low values that will hurt your case in the long run.

By hiring an attorney from the start, you can focus on your recovery and leave the legal details to an experienced professional. Waiting until the insurance company denies your claim or offers a settlement can limit your options and leave you with less compensation than you deserve. So, it’s wise to hire an attorney immediately after an accident to protect your rights and maximize your recovery. For more information on Hiring A Personal Injury Attorney In Illinois, an initial consultation is your next best step.

Michael Mannis - Experienced Personal Injury Attorney - Chicago, IL

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(312) 704-4300

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