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Soft Tissue Injury Claims In Cook County, IL

The following article will cover:

  • What are soft tissue injuries and common types of soft tissue injuries in personal injury claims.
  • Causes or types of accidents that lead to soft tissue injuries.
  • Proving fault and obtaining compensation for soft tissue injuries in personal injury claims.

What Is Considered A Soft Tissue Injury? What Are Common Types Of Soft Tissue Injuries That You See In Personal Injury Claims?

Soft Tissue Injury Claims In Cook County, IL Soft tissue injury is an umbrella term used to describe damage to muscles, ligaments, and structures within the body that are not bones. This term is often used by the insurance industry to downplay the severity of injuries sustained in auto accidents, and it’s important to understand that these injuries can be very serious and have long-lasting effects.

Some of the most common types of soft tissue injuries seen in personal injury claims include:

  • Whiplash: a neck injury caused by a sudden, forceful movement of the head
  • Strains and sprains: stretching or tearing of muscles, tendons, or ligaments
  • Contusions: bruises caused by a blow to the body
  • Tendonitis: inflammation of a tendon, often caused by overuse
  • Bursitis: inflammation of a bursa, which is a small sac of fluid that cushions bones and tendons
  • Repetitive motion injuries: damage to muscles, tendons, and nerves caused by repeating the same motion over and over

It’s important to note that these injuries can be difficult to diagnose and may not show up on x-rays or MRIs. However, they can still cause significant pain and limitations in daily activities. It’s crucial to seek medical attention after an accident to ensure that any soft tissue injuries are properly diagnosed and treated.

What Are The Most Common Causes Or Types Of Accidents That Lead To Soft Tissue Injuries?

Soft tissue injuries can occur in a variety of accidents and mechanisms of injury. Some of the most common causes and types of accidents that lead to soft tissue injuries include:

  • Rear-end collisions: When a car is hit from behind, the force of the impact can cause the body to be thrown back and forth, leading to whiplash and other soft tissue injuries.
  • T-bone collisions: When a car is hit on the side, the body is thrown from side to side, which can cause injuries to the shoulders, arms, and other soft tissues.
  • Airbag deployment: While airbags can save lives in a collision, the force of the deployment can also cause injuries such as burns and bruises.
  • Head-on collisions: When two cars collide head-on, the force can cause significant damage to the body and lead to soft tissue injuries.
  • Minor accidents: Even low-speed accidents can cause soft tissue injuries, as the body is not designed to absorb sudden forces without consequences.

Are Soft Tissue Injuries Hard To Prove In A Personal Injury Claim?

Soft tissue injuries can be proven with competent medical examination and testimony from a qualified doctor. It’s important to seek medical attention after an accident and to have a doctor properly diagnose and document any injuries.

By the time a case reaches arbitration or trial, the injuries will likely be fully explained to the jury or panel, with specific reference to damage to muscles, ligaments, and body structures. Soft tissue injury is not a sufficient description of the damage that has occurred, and a competent doctor will not use this term to communicate the severity of your injuries.

Is It Important To Prove Fault In A Soft Tissue Injury Case?

Proving fault is crucial in any auto accident case, regardless of the type of injury sustained. The first requirement for a successful personal injury claim is to prove that the other party is at fault for the accident. This can be challenging in cases where fault is disputed, but it’s important to gather evidence such as witness statements, camera footage, and police testimony to prove who was at fault.

Insurance companies may attempt to deny fault in order to avoid paying out a claim, and it’s important to have a skilled attorney who can help prove fault through outside means. Once fault is proven, the focus can shift to obtaining compensation for the injuries sustained in the accident.

Can A Soft Tissue Injury Keep Me From Working?

Whether or not you can work after a soft tissue injury sustained in an auto accident depends on your individual circumstances and how you feel. If your job requires physical activity or mobility that you are unable to perform due to your injuries, your doctor will provide recommendations on whether or not you can return to work.

If you feel up to working, but your doctor advises against it, it’s important to follow their recommendations. On the other hand, if you feel unable to work or you pose a risk to yourself or others, it’s important to take the necessary time off to fully recover before returning to work.

Are Treatments For Soft Tissue Injuries Expensive?

They can be. The cost of an ambulance ride in the city of Chicago alone can be around $3,200 for a relatively routine ride from the accident scene to the nearest hospital, which is often less than three miles away.

Basic emergency room bills can range from $2,500 to $4,000, and if you require extensive imaging, such as a CT scan, the bill could be as high as $10,000 to $18,000. Seeing a doctor for follow-up care can also come with a hefty price tag, with charges often starting at around $300 and reaching as high as $600 or $700. Physical therapy bills can also add up quickly, often reaching into the thousands of dollars.

While medical care is expensive, it’s important to remember that most people have some form of medical insurance that can help cover the cost of treatment. Additionally, if your medical bills are not fully covered by insurance, it is the job of a skilled personal injury attorney to ensure that your bills are paid in full and that you receive compensation for pain and suffering and lost wages. For more information on Soft Tissue Injury Claims In Cook County, IL, an initial consultation is your next best step.

Michael Mannis - Experienced Personal Injury Attorney - Chicago, IL

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(312) 704-4300

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